Personal Wellness Blueprint

The Ultimate Wellness Plan To Prevent Disease and Promote Healthy Ageing and Longevity.

Could you use a Wellness MOT…

Are you generally well, but want to prevent disease, maintain optimal health and increase vitality?

Would you like a custom-made high-quality supplement to boost your health and promote healthy ageing?

Have you got one chronic health issue you would like to fix and feel great again? 

Are you hoping to prevent your already long list of medications from growing? 

Would you like to look healthy and radiant without surgery, botox or fillers? 

Why my Personal Wellness Blueprint is the answer

Modern chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, depression and cancer are mostly related to diet and lifestyle and therefore preventable.

Unfortunately, most modern healthcare systems like the National health Service (NHS) are not designed to cater for these chronic conditions.  As a result, patients end up on long lists of medications, that at best just maintain the chronic state, or at worst jeopardise overall health.  I believe we can change that, simply by getting a total Wellness MOT.

My Exclusive Approach to Nutrition and Health

I use the Gut and Target Organ Optimisation Method (GTO2 method) to help revert your body into a state of balance and support optimal health and healthy ageing. 

To do this, I use diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements to optimise the four body systems, namely Gut, Detox, Hormone and Energy systems.  The aim is to improve gut function, enhance your detoxification system, balance your hormones and improve your energy.  Where applicable, I will report on your recent blood tests, with advice that goes beyond the occasional advice of “repeat test” or “watch and wait”. 

You will feel the difference when you follow my advice!

You will experience:

✔︎ Enhanced mental and physical stamina at home and work

✔︎ Sustained energy throughout the day without crashes

✔︎ Boosted immune system

✔︎ End to aches and pains

✔︎ Better sleep

for just £250

Who It Is For

A good fit for you if:

✔︎ You are generally well, but want some tips on how to prevent disease, maintain optimal health, healthy aging and increased vitality.

✔︎ You want a daily custom-made high-quality supplement regime to prevent disease, maintain optimal health, healthy aging and increased vitality.

✔︎ You would like a stop to your ever-growing list of medications

✔︎ You want to solve one health issue

Common health issues addressed:

✔︎ Sugar cravings

✔︎ Chronic stress

✔︎ Brain fog

✔︎ Low mood

✔︎ Low immunity

✔︎ Low libido

✔︎ Fatigue

✔︎ Joint aches and pains

✔︎ Mens’ health

Please contact me if you have an issue not listed.

Who it is not for:

How It Works


Make your payment and you will receive my Health Questionnaire


Send it to me along with your recent blood tests or investigations


I will contact you to arrange the date and time of your consultation

Book your Personal Wellness Blueprint for just £250

What You Will Get

The Personal Wellness Blueprint includes:

✔︎ One hour consultation over Zoom

✔︎ A written dietary, lifestyle and supplement plan to enhance your Gut, detoxification system, balance your hormones and boost your energy systems.

✔︎ A written dietary, lifestyle and supplement plan to optimise your numbers (liver function, sugar levels, cholesterol, blood pressure and so on) where relevant.

✔︎ Personalised advice beyond “repeat test” or “watch and wait”.

✔︎ A written dietary, lifestyle and supplement plan to resolve your single health issue and promote optimal health.

PLUS Bonus content!

You will also receive 7 of my most popular ebooks!

free nutrition and health course ebooks

✔︎ Foods and Drinks to Avoid   

✔︎Healthy Drinks   

✔︎Gluten-free Foods   

✔︎Dairy, Coffee, and Sugar Alternatives   

✔︎Ultra-Healthy Lifestyle Regime   

✔︎Foods that fight inflammation

✔︎Eating Best Practice

… all for just £250.